Saturday, July 7, 2012

Visiting Roxie-- Baseball Game, SF Reservoir

 A couple of weekends ago Autumn and I had a sleepover at Roxie's house. It was very relaxing. As always, Roxie and I always have a good time. We stayed up till 3:00 a.m talking, while waiting for Netflix to load our show every thirty seconds. It was quite ridiculous, but we got a good loooong chat. It was much needed. I rarely get to talk to anyone for that long because my family is SO busy! Roxie is more like an older sister to me, therefore I have 5 sisters! :) I loved spending time with her. It has been really hard with her living in Spanish Fork but I have managed to straighten myself up. She was always the one I went to when I had no one else. I miss her so much but we have to make new adventures, right? I can't always rely on people to revolve around me, I sometimes have that attitude. No bueno, Hanna.

We went to Brycen's last baseball game and he did great! He almost got to first base once and got an out! It was really fun to watch their faces, unaware of what's going on. It really shows how much they have to learn! 

Meanwhile watching the game...

 This was the most DELICIOUS piece of pineapple I have ever tasted. It was mango "infested", that's why it's pink. Just had to share this...
After falling asleep at 3:30 in the morning, we got up and got ready to go take a swim in the Spanish Fork Reservoir. Oh, was it fun. It was so relaxing not having to worry about making sure my nephew Mason wasn't drowning at every moment ( I am usually the one always watching the kids when we go swimming). The water was filthy, of course, but it felt glorious! It was hot out it was much needed to cool off. We had a blast.

So, in the rest of these pictures my lens had a fingerprint on it and some parts of the pictures were blurry. Exhibit A:

It was really bright!

The kids spotted a dead fish! I went up close to get a picture of it. Kinda gross... don't ask.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Memorial Day-- Visiting our Parents

Now that I bought a memory card reader I can start blogging more! I like to share pictures with my memories and a photo is worth a 1001 words, right?

Well, a few days before Memorial Day my family and I loaded up some flowers and plants to take to our loved ones for Memorial Day. It was very peaceful and a reassuring memory for all of us I think. I know that we all felt our relatives spirits around us. Especially my Mom's. It was the second time some of us went to visit and it was really challenging I think. But, we all know for a fact that we will see her again and that is definitely a push to keep going and moving forward.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Get to know me...

What is your current obsession?
Photography and quilting...and blogging. :)

Who was the last person you hugged?
Karen Robinson, lovely lady.

What foods do you hate?
Casseroles, spaghetti sauce, stir fry, lasagna... the list goes on.

What was the last thing you bought?
Fabric for my quilt... expensive!

What are you listening to right now?
The dogs snoring and the computer rumbling.

What is your least favorite season?
Im gonna go with the middle of winter.

What’s in your purse?
sunglasses, wallet, receipts

What is your favorite dessert or cool treat?
I love cake. Ice cream. mmmm...

Who do you want to meet in person?
Selena Gomez and quite possibly Zac Efron

What is your most challenging goal right now?
Losing weight and finishing this darn quilt!
What is your favorite sport to watch?
Basketball and softball!

What is your biggest regret?
Not doing good in school my Freshman year.

What is your most prized possession?
Well of course my family... but material wise, probably my quilt. If my house was on fire, it would be one of the things I would grab.
If you were to be anywhere right now, where would you be?
Probably Italia. I am planning to go there one day... I dream to be eating Italian pastries in a Cafe, riding my vintage bicycle on the stone streets. Oh what a dream.
Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 127, and find line 4. 
"So, Katniss, the Capitol must be quite a change from District twelve..."

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? 
Probably somewhere in Italy. Like I said, it's my dream to go there one day.
If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?  
Food, clothing, living supplies for the needy. Then I would by myself a camera then, build a huge house for my family to live in.

What's something about you that most people don't know.
Most people think I'm happy and bright all the time, but the truth is, I have sad days all the time. It is a rare occasion that I am always happy inside. It's just a time in my life that I am struggling to be happy. Everyone has those times.

Type of music you like most? 
I really don't like the "modern day" music. Like Nicki Minaj, or Katy Perry... bleh. I like Jack Johnson and John Mayer, the cool guys. They aren't the ones talking about getting drunk at a party and doing nasty stuff. One of my favorite songs would have to be Sweat Pea by Amos Lee. I love the feel. I love the tune. I also grew up with country music, so that's a must.

Type of music you dislike most? 
Screamo... eww. 
What do you think about the most?
 Food and probably what people think about me. I know. I know...
What kind of books do you like to read?  
Romance mystery. I don't like to read much, but I have loads of books. I color coordinated them.

Are you a morning person or a night owl? 
Night owl. Mostly that because I have been sick and haven't been able to sleep. I hate mornings.

What inspires you? 
Seeing couples still in love. Vintage homes. Seeing people's clean home's makes me want to clean. Successful lifestyles. That's just a few. Quilts that are straight.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
wEn ppl Tak Lke DIS! Oh my gosh...  When people curse to look cool. Not cool, bro. When people text while I'm talking to them. When people boss me around. That's not cool either. 
What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Julie & fabulous! She's The Man, it's a must!

What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks?
San Diego. Girls camp. The summer ending... :( Not looking forward to that. It just started!
What was the last book you read?
Well I am currently reading Mockingjay. It isn't nearly as good as the first or second. I'm pretty disappointed!

Who is in the picture frame closest to you?
A picture of my Mom, Hailey, Heather, Heidi and I in Idaho when we all went to visit Hailey and Heather. That day was such a great memory!

Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
Yes, when I was 10. It was at Sundance. I fell down a mountain while skiing and thought I broke my back. It was scary! Luckily I was just being dumb.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New adventures, new beginnings, start now

I have decided that instead of posting every possible thing that is going on in my life on my photography blog, I should just make my own personal blog. So much has been happening and so much more is to come! 

In a couple weeks, actually on the 10th or 11th my best friends and I are going to spend a week together! One of my best friends, Jillynn, lovely girl, lives in Logan, Utah and Jomari (the other bestie) and I are going to visit her! I cannot wait!
Then after that my wonderful sister, Hailey, is getting endowed on the 20th in the Mount Timpanogos Temple! She will depart to the MTC September 19th! I am so proud of her but will miss her dearly! She is my bestfriend!                                                                                                                                                       

Then, two days after that, Heather, Hailey, Zach, and I will be going to San Diego to visit Janice, Danielle and Terry Tervort! We are all SUPER excited for that. The picture on the below was taken when I went to visit them last summer. I had a BLAST! Janice is actually coming down here to walk Hailey through the the temple and then we are flying to San Diego with her!

This was when we were at the first ever, Rubios! I got the famous fish tacos and something else, I can't quite remember what it was.  We sat outside in a little hut. It was hot outside but it was great. I miss the feeling of paradise! I will be there soon! We're taking our flight on the 21st of July! 

Soon after we get back from San Diego, I will be packing for the annual girls camp! I'm not too excited for this year but I am sure that it will be WORTH it!

 Our teeth look terribly yellow in this picture... it's just the lighting, right? ;)

The whole crew!

Then hopefully after girly camp, I'll be visiting my best sissy Heather in Rexburg, Idaho! These are from my last visit:

 That ice cream was to die for. Actually, I think I died and went to Heaven. :)
 We went to a haunted straw maze. It was delightful. Not.

 With a crazy clown that made me run! The maze was absolutely terrifying! I was so happy to get out of there...

 Pretty random, actually. We got to pet a camel!